Could Brisbane Take Over As The Best Performing Capital City Housing Market In 5 Years?

Higher migration rates implies more demand for housing which should help to support an improvement in capital gains.

* Brisbane is well placed to take over as the best performing capital city housing market over the next five years.
*Jobs growth across the state was the fastest of any state or territory. Based on trend data, the annual rate of jobs growth reached 4.8% over the twelve months
* Raw numbers, 113,000 jobs were created across Queensland over the past year, more than New South Wales (111,000) and Victoria (94,000).
* Net interstate migration is where Queensland is demonstrating its pulling power, attracting the highest number of residents from other states in eight and a half years. Net migrants crossing the state border into Queensland is now the highest of any state, outpacing Victoria for the first time since June 2013.
* The dwelling price to income ratio and the proportion of household income required to service a mortgage.

The dwelling price to income ratio is 9.1 Sydney , 7.5 in Melbourne and 5.9 in Brisbane. Similarly, the proportion of gross annual household income required to service an 80% LVR mortgage is now 48.4% in Sydney compared with 39.9% in Melbourne and 31.7% in Brisbane. (figures from Corelogic).

With houses from $380,000 and Dual Income Properties from $495,000 “Dual Income Properties” is your first stop for your first home or investment or a Dual Income Properties call us on 1300 171 000 or email for a detailed personal discussion about creating wealth and financial independence by investing in positive cash-flow dual income properties. Regards Gil and Mark

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